Connecting Cities Event #1 @ São Paulo


7 – 31 April 2014, São Paulo, Brazil

The second version of PLAY! at the Galeria de Arte Digital do SESI Media Facade will revisit the potential of game, before the rules of play were commercialized and the pixels were dissolved to blur out our ability to see through its politics.

The second edition of PLAY! is also the perfect occasion for the first Connecting Cities Event. The Participatory City has started! Noobware & Nutune are going to present their project 'Street Crosser' during the Connecting Cities Event #1. 'Street Crosser' is a Connecting Cities project produced by verve cultural.

The PLAY! 2014 exhibition will bring together seven international artists invited to re-imagine the rules and modes of interaction of the game, to re-write the rules of participation and re-consider what the goal of the game could be in hand of the audience.

Read more about the PLAY! Festival on The Creators Project, Huffpost and Kotaku Blog!

Presenting: Dollsquimia (ES), Duo2 (BR), Paulo Muggler (BR), Noobware & Nutune (CO/VE/SE), Pfadfinderei (DE), Vapor 324 (BR), and Alberto Zanella (BR), will re-imagine the rules, goals and modes of interaction of the game in the hand of the user, in ambitious, large-scale new commissions.

Conteúdo Pinball by Vj Spetto © Verve Cultural