Medialab-Prado Madrid


Medialab-Prado (MP) is aimed at the production, research, and dissemination of digital culture. It offers a permanent information and meeting space. MP promotes free software and free culture and fosters debate, knowledge and innovation related to copyright licenses and intellectual property in the digital context. MP has substantial experience in organising international workshops and conferences, creating an open environment for collaborative production and intense knowledge exchange. Its methodical approach to education and cultural mediation makes sure to involve users and communities (professionals, students, amateurs) in all its’ projects. The digital facade of MP is a research and experimentation device. The objective is to explore the relation between the digital facade and public space, to experiment with the screen’s communicative, narrative and visual capacities and to investigate its potential to offer new forms of participation.

Nerea Calvillo / Medialab-Prado – Curator

Nerea Calvillo is curator of the programme ’Digital Screens and Public Space’ in Medialab-Prado in Madrid. She is an architect, working across international competitions, exhibition design and cartographical projects, founder of In The Air platform.
After working in several internationally acclaimed architectural firms such as NO.MAD, Madrid, and F.O.A., London, she opened C+arquitectos in 2004. Specialised in new technologies as design tools, they have designed several digital contemporary art exhibitions, like the videogame exhibition Homo Ludens Ludens in Laboral (Gijon, Spain) or Disident Cartographies at MAC (Santiago de Chile, Chile). EUROPAN, and other social housing competitions have been awarded, and the office was selected for FreshMadrid, an selection of emergent practices in 2007. Her research projects oriented towards data visualization and cartographies have been developed in workshops at international universities and medialabs, which include Invisible Cartographies in PEI, Bogotá (Colombia), and In The Air, in Medialab-Prado, Madrid.
In The Air is a visualization project which aims to make visible the microscopic and invisible agents of any city´s air. It has been exhibited internationally at the Video Biennale 09 of Santiago de Chile, COATV for the Congress of Architects 09 and MECAD, Barcelona. It is a work in progress.
Nerea Calvillo received the MS in Advanced Architecture Design from Columbia University in 2001 as a Fulbright Fellow, working at the moment on her PhD on parametric design. Since 2006 she holds a professorship at the Universidad Europea in Madrid.