

Connecting Cities with the tools of the future. Two cities, far away and so close at the same time… That's two cities connected with the concepts and tools of innovative, experimental and technology-based design.

In an intense two-week design fiction workshop the internationally renowned art engineers Julian Adenauer (Sonice Development) & Christian Zöllner (THE CONSTITUTE) from Berlin, Germany coach you to create and develop a design concept that connects two or more cities with smart technology. Analyze the future technologies of today, fantasize them into tools to connect two cities and realize a prototype which you build in real and present in a design fiction video!

The Connecting Cities workshop introduces you to the progressive design-methods of Desig fiction and narrative prototyping and lets you learn, test and train them by developing your own visionary prototype. Based on todays fantastic future technologies you will be coached to come up with innovative and surprising out of the box scenarios, which will be realized as prototypes and video clips. With the local production technologies like 3D-printing, laser cutting and thermoprinting, provided by the 403 Art Center's workshop-space in Wuhan you can create and design tangible and testible models and mock-ups. In a multidisciplinary tem you learn how to develop your own innovative ideas, to realize and implement them and to communicate your designs in an inspiring way to future clients.

Photograph: © The Constitute


Artist biography

The Constitute is a design and research studio based in Berlin, run by Christian Zöllner and Sebastian Piatza. By combining artistic and scientific practices they create interactive experiences for the public space.
Founded in early 2012, arising from the VR/urban Media Art Collective, The Constitute have worked with several international cultural Institutions and exhibited their works worldwide. Currently, their focus is on the investigation of narrative and diegetic prototypes as well as the construction of more public, and socially sustainable, interfaces.
In addition to their creative practice, both members of The Constitute are actively working in the field of teaching. Christian is guest professor at the Burg Giebichenstein University of the Arts and had taught at several international Universities. Sebastian is more focused on the mediation of design and prototyping skills through youth workshops.

Julian Adenauer is an artist and creative engineer based in Berlin. He is interested in the intersection of art, design, technology and culture. He examines emerging technologies and their impact on society and creative expression.
Since 2009 he's one half of the artist/inventor duo Sonice Development. In 2012 he co-founded retune. – a platform at the intersection of art and technology with an annual festival at its core.


31 July-9 August 2014 / Summerfestival - Back to the Future / 403  Art Center @ Wuhan, China

31 July-9 August 2014 / Workshop / 403 International Art Center @ Wuhan, China